OM SRI SAI NATHAYA NAMAH. Dear Visitor, Please Join our Forum and be a part of Sai Family to share your experiences & Sai Leelas with the whole world. JAI SAI RAM

Monday, June 28, 2010



"The world is as you see it. Due to my own mind, I can see others as my own Self or I can see them as my enemies. In fact, an ordinary person always sees his own state everywhere. Awake, asleep, you don't see anything as it truly is, you see only your own state. Only when you wake up from that ordinary state, you experience reality, you experience love, and you experience Rama. That is the natural state of samadhi. It is filled with love, filled with divinity. This is the state in which you see your own Self everywhere." Swami Muktananda Paramhamsa (SYDA Foundation: Weekly contemplation series)
It could be argued that there are more Christians and Muslims in the world today than there were during the lifetimes of Christ and Mohammed and that, therefore, a mere numerical increase in followers is no yardstick for judging the merit or otherwise of a teacher or prophet. What must needs to be pointed out in this context is that what Sai Baba of Shirdi began was not a new religious movement, nor did he ever seek to wean a devotee away from the faith into which he was born (or belonged). On the contrary, he expressly disapproved of proselytization or "getting yourself a new father" as he once called it. He constantly exhorted his devotees not to deprecate the religious practices and precepts of those whose beliefs differed from their own - Perin S. Bharucha in "Sai Baba of Shirdi"
Look at the crane - it walks about pretty fast in water. But, during that walk, it cannot catch any fish. It must, for that purpose, become slow and quiet and stand motionless. So also, if one proceeds with greed, anger and other evil qualities, one cannot secure the fish of truth, love and peace. You must chant the Name of the Lord. Then, you will surely overcome the natural traits of greed and anger. Hold on to the Lord as the Universal Goal and make Him the destination of your life's journey. Practice control of speech and constant contemplation of the Lord. Then you will be able to subdue your mind that makes you restless, and gradually you will be filled with all the good qualities!
flower flower flower flower flower


                                                    To Love SAI BABA is to Know SAI BABA.
To Know SAI BABA is to Love SAI BABA.
God-Realization is to Know SAI BABA & to Love SAI BABA ...

According to SAI tradition , the disciple , or devotee that comes ti the feet of the GURU in complete surrender has to be  no doubt pure , chaste & virtuous . The GURU doesn't teach . He radiates influence... 
The Glory of SAI BABA can't be established by reason , but can certainly be experienced thru' Faith , Devotion & Constant Chanting...
Just as fire cleanses Gold of its impurities , So also SRI SAI naan cleanses the mind of its impurities...
A saint should not be judged by the character of those that gather around him. Prostitutes, women-hunters, avaricious people and sinners of all sorts came to him (Sai Baba) with a view mostly to gain material advantage. But when they failed to improve themselves and on the other hand fell into evil ways, he let them suffer. His justice was severe. He said, "You have to sever your own child from the umbilical cord when it falls athwart the womb" - as stated by Prof. Narke in "Devotees' Experiences of Sai Baba". 

flower flower flower flower flower


Dr Talvakar was a Sai Bhakt from 1917  collected UDI from sai to store, & established himselt in Indore.

When a paitent at last stage was brought to him finding no finding no alternative he gave mixed UDI in water & gave3 packets of UDI in water as medicine. The patient saved. This happened in 1937 with the UDI of 1917 as per Vithalrao Marathe , Official Singer of Sai Baba Sansthan

 Sai should be our only goal.

 Sai should be our only aim.

 Sai should be our only word

 Sai should be our only  world.

One goal, one aim, one word & one world-Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai

Lead your lives with compassion, kindness and love. Suffuse your life with love. Love is nectarine. It has unmatched sweetness. Therefore use always polite words. Even if you come across an enemy, offer your salutations to him. Do not turn your back upon even your enemy. Be friendly with everybody.... God has given you a soft tongue. You should not speak harsh words with your tongue. The soft tongue should always speak soft and sweet words.
SAI is one of our incarnate divinities . He is the 'Truth 'as it is & 'Love' as it manifests . SAI Cormic Force still acts & saves cores.
" Humility should not be towards all . Severity is necessary in dealing with the wicked . ''
 flower flower flower flower flower flower

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stories of SRI SAI BABA~~~श्री साईबाबा की कथाएँ~~~

Om Sai Ram!!!

jyot Om Sai jyot Shri Sai jyot Jai Jai Sai jyot

~~Stories of SRI SAI BABA~~

~~Moolay Shastri of Nasik~~

An orthodox Agnihotri Brahmin of Nasik, by name moolay Shastri, who had studied the six Shastras and was well-versed in astrology and palmistry, once came to Shirdi to see Mr. Bapusaheb Booty, the famous millionarire of Nagpur. After seeing him, he and others went to see Baba in the Masjid. Baba bought various fruits and other things from vendors with His own money, and distributed them to the persons present in the Masjid. Baba used to press the mango on all sides so skilfully that when any person received it from Baba and sucked it, he got all the pulp at once in his mouth and could throw away the stone and the skin forthwith. Plantains were peeled off by Baba and the kernel was distributed to the devotees, while the skins were retained by Baba for Himself. Moolay Shastri, as a palmist, wanted to examine Baba's hand or plam and requested Him to extend the same. Baba ignored his request and gave four plantains to him. Then, they all returned to the Wada and Moolay Shastri bathed, wore sacred clothes, and started his routine duties, viz. Agnihotra etc. Then Baba as usual started for Lendi and said - "Take some Geru (i.e. a red miry substance, to dye clothes in saffron-colour), we shall today don saffron-coloured cloth. None understood what Baba meant. Then after some time when Baba returned, and preparations for the noon-Arati were being made. Bapusaheb Jog asked Moolay Shastri, whether he would accompany him for the Arti. He replied that he would see Baba in the afternoon. Very soon Baba sat on his seat, was worshipped by the devotees and Arti commenced. Then Baba said - "Get some Dakshina from the new (Nasik) Brahmin." Booty himself went to get the Dakshina; and when he gave Baba's message to Moolay Shastri, he was sorely perplexed. He thought in his mind thus: "I am a pure Agnihotri Brahmin, why should I pay Dakshina? Baba may be a great Saint. I am not His dependent." But as a great Saint like Sai Baba was asking for Dakshina through a millionaire like Booty, he could not refuse. So leaving his routine unfinished, he forthwith started with Booty to the Masjid. Thinking himself holy and sacred, and the Masjid otherwise, he remained at a distance, and joining his hands threw flowers at Baba. Then lo! all of a sudden, he saw no Baba on the seat, but saw his late Guru Gholap Swami there. He was wonder-struck. Could this be a dream? No, it was not, as he was wide awake; but though awake, how could his late Guru Gholap be there? He was speechless for some time. He pinched himself and thought again, but could not reconcile the fact of his late Guru Gholap being in the Masjid. Ultimately, leaving all doubt, he went up, fell at his Guru's feet and then getting up stood there with folded hands. Other people sang Baba's Arati, while Moolay Shastri chanted his Guru's name. Then casting off all pride of caste and ideas about sacredness, he fell flat at his Guru's feet and closed his eyes. When he got up and opened his eyes, he saw Baba asking for Dakshina. Seeing Baba's blissful form, and His inconceivable power, Moolay Shastri forgot himself. He was extremely pleased, his eyes were full of tears of joy. He again saluted Baba and gave the Dakshina. He said that his doubt was removed and that he saw his own Guru. On seeing his wonderful Leela of Baba all the people, including Moolay Shastri, were much moved, and they realized the meaning of Baba's words, "Bring Geru, we shall don saffron-coloured garment." Such is the wonderful Leela of Baba.

 jyot jyot jyot jyot jyot
Jai Sai Ram!!!

Stories of SRI SAI BABA~~~श्री साईबाबा की कथाएँ~~~

Om Sai Ram!!!

Stories of SRI SAI BABA~~~श्री साईबाबा की कथाएँ~~~

jyot ॐ साईं jyot श्री साईं jyot जय जय साईं jyot

~~श्री साईबाबा की कथाएँ~~

~~ नासिक के मुने शास्त्रीः ज्योतिषी ~~

नासिक के एक मर्मनिष्ठ, अग्नहोत्री ब्रापमण थे, जिनका नाम मुले शास्त्री था । इन्होंने 6 शास्त्रों का अध्ययन किया था और ज्योतिष तथा सामुद्रिक शास्त्र में भी पारंगत थे । वे एक बार नागपुर के प्रसिदृ करोड़पति श्री बापूसाहेब बूटी से भेंट करने के बाद अन्य सज्जनों के साथ बाबा के दर्शन करने मसजिद में गये । बाबा ने फल बेचने वाले से अनेक प्रकार के फल और अन्य पदार्थ खरीदे और मसजिद में उपस्थित लोंगों में उनको वितरित कर दिया । बाबा आम को इतनी चतुराई से चारों ओर से दबा देते थे कि चूसते ही सम्पूर्ण रस मुँह में आ जाता तथा गुठली और छिलका तुरन्त फेंक दिया जा सकता था बाबा ने केले छीलकर भक्तों में बाँट दिये और उनके छिलके अपने लिये रख लिये । हस्तरेएखा विशारद होने के नाते, मुले शास्त्री ने बाबा के हाथ की परीक्षा करने की प्रार्थना की । परन्तु बाबा ने उनकी प्रार्थना पर कोई ध्यान न देकर उन्हें चार केले दिये इसके बाद सब लोग वाड़े को लौट आये । अब मुने शास्त्री ने स्नान किया और पवित्र वस्त्र धारण कर अग्निहोत्र आदि में जुट गये । बाबा भी अपने नियमानुसार लेण्डी को पवाना हो गये । जाते-जाते उन्होंने कहा कि कुछ गेरु लाना, आज भगवा वस्त्र रँगेंगे । बाबा के शब्दों का अभिप्राय किसी की समझ में न आया । कुछ समय के बाद बाबा लौटे । अब मध्याहृ बेला की आरती की तैयारियाँ प्रारम्भ हो गई थी । बापूसाहेब जोग ने मुले से आरती में साथ करने के लिये पूछा । उन्होंने उत्तर दिया कि वे सन्ध्या समय बाबा के दर्शनों को जायेंगे । तब जोग अकेले ही चले गये । बाबा के आसन ग्रहण करते ही भक्त लोगों ने उनकी पूजा की । अब आरती प्रारम्भ हो गई । बाबा ने कहा, उस नये ब्राहमण से कुछ दक्षिणा लाओ । बूटी स्वयं दक्षिणा लेने को गये और उन्होंने बाबा का सन्देश मुले शास्त्री को सुनाया । वे बुरी तरह घबड़ा गये । वे सोचने लगे कि मैं तो एक अग्निहोत्री ब्राहमण हूँ, फिर मुझे दक्षिणा देना क्या उचित है । माना कि बाबा महान् संत है, परन्तु मैं तो उनका शिष्य नहीं हूँ । फिर भी उन्होंने सोचा कि जब बाबा सरीखे महानसंत दक्षिणा माँग रहे है और बूटी सरीखे एक करोड़पति लेने को आये है तो वे अवहेलना कैसे कर सकते है । इसलिये वे अपने कृत्य को अधूरा ही छोड़कर तुरन् बूटी के साथ मसजिद को गये । वे अपने को शुद्घ और पवित्र तथा मसजिद को अपवित्र जानकर, कुछ अन्तर से खड़े हो गये और दूर से ही हाथ जोड़कर उन्होंने बाबा के ऊपर पुष्प फेंके । एकाएक उन्होंने देखा कि बाबा के आसन पर उनके कैलासवासी गुरु घोलप स्वामी विराजमान हैं । अपने गुरु को वहाँ देखकर उन्हें महान् आश्चर्य हुआ । कहीं यह स्वप्न तो नहीं है । नही । नही । यह स्वप्न नहीं हैं । मैं पूर्ण जागृत हूँ । परन्तु जागृत होते हुये भी, मेरे गुरु महाराज यहाँ कैसे आ पहुँचे । कुछ समय तक उनके मुँह से एक भी शब्द न निकला । उन्होंने अपने को चिकोटी ली और पुनः विचार किया । परन्तु वे निर्णय न कर सके कि कैलासवासी गुरु घोलप स्वामी मसजिद में कैसे आ पहुँचे । फिर सब सन्देह दूर करके वे आगे बढ़े और गुरु के चरणों पर गिर हाछ जोड़ कर स्तुति करने लगे । दूसरे भक्त तो बाबा की आरती गा रहे थे, परन्तु मुले शास्त्री अपने गुरु के नाम की ही गर्जना कर रहे थे । फिर सब जातिपाँति का अहंकार तथा पवित्रता और अपवित्रता कीकल्पना त्याग कर वे गुरु के श्रीचरणों पर पुनः गिर पड़े । उन्होंने आँखें मूँद ली, परन्तु खड़े होकर जब उन्होंने आँखें खोलीं तो बाबा को दक्षिणा माँगते हुए देखा । बाबा का आनन्दस्वरुप और उनकी अनिर्वचनीय शक्ति देख मुले शास्त्री आत्मविस्मृत हो गये । उनके हर्ष का पारावार न रहा । उनकी आँखें अश्रुपूरित होते हुए भी प्रसन्नता से नाच रही थी । उन्होंने बाबा को पुनः नमस्कार किया और दक्षिणा दी । मुले शास्त्री कहने लगे कि मेरे सब समशय दूर हो गये । आज मुझे अपने गुरु के दर्शन हुए । बाबा की यतह अदभुत लीला देखकर सब भक्त और मुले शास्त्री द्रवित हो गये । गेरु लाओ, आज भगवा वस्त्र रंगेंगे – बाबा के इन शब्दों का अर्थ अब सब की समझ में आ गया । ऐसी अदभुत लीला श्री साईबाबा की थी । 

 jyot jyot jyot jyot jyot
Jai Sai Ram!!!

Sai Baba gives Darshan as Lord Rama

|| Om Shri sainathaya Namah ||

jyot Om Sai jyot Shri Sai jyot Jai Jai Sai jyot

Sai Baba gives Darshan as Lord Rama.....

In the year 1911 Mankar was Kopergaon's mamlatdar. He had strong devotion towards Sai Baba. He came in close contact with Dr. Sitaram.
Dr. Sitaram was staunch devotee of Lord Rama

Mankar, many a times, used to talk about Baba to Dr. Sitaram. He used to say, "Sai Baba is not Muslim Fakir, He is an ocean of truth, follower of preachings of Vedas, He incarnated in Shirdi for the benefit of the world, I am an ignorant person to describe Baba's nature and love in Godly way. Thus whatever may come, you please go to Shirdi once for Darshan of Sai Baba.

Doctor replied, "My head will not bow down to any God other than Lord Rama".

Mankar said," Doctor! Never mind if you dont bow to Sai Baba, its your wish. Baba will ask you to bow down to Him, instead Sai Baba says - as you sow, so shall you reap by coming Here."

After sometime Christmas holidays commenced. Mamlatdar Mankar and Dr. Sitaram went to Shirdi on December 21. As soon as Dr. Sitaram climbed steps of Dwarkamai, he was surprised.

He saw Lord Rama on Sai Baba's seat. He was so engrossed and surprised to see Lord Rama. He bowed to Baba with folded hands. At the time of returning to lodging, Mankar asked Doctor, "What happened? You were determined not to go to that Fakir but were the first to bow to Him as soon as you climb the steps of Dwarkamai".

Doctor, who was over flowing with emotions replied, "This is not a fakir, but My Parabrahma Lord Rama! Mankar Saheb, how can I narrate my experience to you. Today good deeds of my this birth and many previous births have been fruitful as I had very good Darshan of Lord Rama."

Doctor added, "I will not partake food and also will not go to Dwarkamai unless Parabrahma Ram Sai Baba blesses me." So Doctor resided in Shirdi only.

Like this three days passed and Doctor didnt partake food nor went to Dwarkamai as per his vow.

On the fourth day, Baba's devotee named Vasantrao came. He was familiar with Doctor from long time. He was surprised to see Doctor in Shirdi as he knew that Doctor was staunch devotee of Lord Rama and it was otherwise with him to bow to any other God.

Both the friends met after nine years in Shirdi. In this happiness Doctor forgot his vow and along with Vasantrao went to Dwarkamai holding his hand. Both bowed to Baba and sat in front of Him.

Baba asked, "Who had come to call you at your place?" Hearing these words from Baba, Doctor was surprised and felt ashamed.

Dr. Sitaram took food after four days at his lodgings and had sound sleep. In early morning Baba appeared in Doctor'ss dream and made him experience the eternal bliss. After taking Baba's leave, Doctor left for Kopergaon and he experienced the same bliss for fifteen days.

Jai Sai Ram!!!
 jyot jyot