OM SRI SAI NATHAYA NAMAH. Dear Visitor, Please Join our Forum and be a part of Sai Family to share your experiences & Sai Leelas with the whole world. JAI SAI RAM

Friday, November 25, 2011

ॐ साईं राम!!!

३१ दिसम्बर , १९११~~~

सुबह मैं बहुत जल्दी उठ गया, प्रार्थना की, और बरामदे में टहल रहा था जब हंस नीचे आये और कहा कि नह ठीक से सो नहीं पाये और खंडोबा मंदिर गये , फिर वे उस घर में जनान फिलहाल राधाकृष्णाबाई रहती हैं , वहां उन्हें पूजन करते हुए सुनाने की आशा से गये लेकिन वहां दिन शुरू होने का कोइ भी लक्षण नहीं था इसलिए वो गाँव के फाटक तक घुमाने को गये | बाद में वे फिर से
राधाकृष्णाबाई से मिले | उन्होंने ने उनकी अच्छी तरह सहायता की | फिर उन्होंने स्नान किया और साईं नाथ महाराज के द्वारा भेजे गए प्रसाद में से नाश्ता किया | मैं उनके साथ खड़े खड़े बात चीत करता रहा | वे फिर से राधाकृष्णाबाई के पास से विदा कहने गये और उन्होंने उन्हें प्रसाद के रूप में धोती और कुर्ता दिया | उसके बाद नहान तीन और अन्य युवक , जो उनके साथ थे , उन लोगों के साथ वे बंबई लौट गये | उनमें से एक का नाम रेगे था |इन सब कारणों से मुझे हर चीज़ में देर हुई , और फिर हजामत करने वाले ने और भी देर करा दी | मैंने साईं बाबा के बाहर जाते हुए दर्शन किए लेकिन उन्होंन किसी को भी नज़दीक आकर प्रणाम नहीं करने दिया | बाद में मैं मस्जिद गया और वहां पर दोपहर की पूजा नें सम्मलित होने के लिए मैं बैठा रहा | आरती के समय सभी पुरुषों को चबूतरे से नीचे खुले आँगन में खडा होना पडा और महिलाएं मस्जिद में रही | व्यवस्था बहुत अच्छी थी | लौटने पर मैं कोपरगावं के मामलेदार से बात करने बैठा जो यहाँ आये हुए हैं | बाद में दहाणु के मामलेदार श्री देव आए | नानासाहेब चांदोरकर आरती से पहले लौटे |हमारा नाश्ता रोजाना की तरह लगभग दो बजे हुआ |इसके बाद मैं आज मिले हुए अखबारों को पड़ने बैठा | शाम ढलने पर मैं मस्जिद गया लेकिन साईं महारां ने जल्दी ही उदी दे दी | इसीलिये मैं नयी इमारत के नीवं के चबूतरे पर गुजराती शास्त्री , जो गोवर्धनदास के साथ हैं , के साथ बातचीत करने बैठा | हमने साईं नाथ महाराज को हर रोज़ की तरह जब वो सैर पर निकले नमन किया और बाद में शेज आरती के समय | उसके बाद हमने भीष्म के भजन सुने और दीक्षित के रामायण|

जय साईं राम!!!
ॐ साईं राम!!!

३० दिसम्बर , १९११~~~

सुबह प्रार्थना के बाद मैंने दो पत्र लिखे- एक अपने पुत्र बाबा और दूसरा भाऊ दुर्रानी को , उन्हें यह बतलाने के लिए कि मेरा और दो महीने तक लौटना नहीं हो सकेगा| श्री नाटेकर राधाकृष्णाबाई के पास गये | ऐसा लगता है कि वे फिर बाहर गई थी | वे वहां बैठे और उन्होंने इतना सुकून और अच्छा अनुभव किया कि सारा दिन वहीं बैठे रहे| मैंने सुबह रामायण का पाठ किया और दोपहर को भागवत सुनी और सांझ ढलने से पहले साईं महाराज के पास गया | उन्होंने मेरे साथ बड़ा ही प्रेम पूर्वक व्यवहार किया , मुझे मेरे नाम से पुकारा और धैर्य के गुण का असर बढाने के लिए एक छोटी सी कहानी गड़कर सुनाई | उन्होंने कहाँ कि एक बार घूमते हुए वे औरंगाबाद गए और एक मस्जिद में बैठे हुए एक फकीर को देखा | जिसके पास इमली का बहूत उंचा दरख्त था , फकीर ने पहले उन्हें मस्जिद में घुसने नहीं दिया लेकिन आखिर में उनके वहां रहने पे राजी हो गया | वह फकीर रोटी के टुकड़े पर पुरी तरह निर्भर था जो उसे बूढी औरत दोपहर में देती थी | साईं महाराज उसके लिए भिक्षा मागंने के लिए तत्पर हुए और बारह साल तक उसे ढेर सारा खाना देते रहे और फिर वहां से जाने की सोची | बूढ़े फकीर ने जुदाई पर आंसू बहाए और उसको कोमल शब्दों में दिलासा देनी पढ़ी | साईं महाराज उसके पास चार साल बाद आए और उसे वहां ठीक ठाक पाया | वह फकीर फिर कुछ साल पहले यहाँ आया और चावड़ी में ठहरा |

माँ-बाबा फकीर ने देखभाल की | जो कहा गया उससे मैंने समझा कि साईं बाबा बारह साल पहले औरंगाबाद के फकीर को दीक्षा देने के लिए ठहरे और उसे आध्यात्मिक दुनिया में पूरी तरह जमाया | रात कू भीष्म के भजन और दीक्षित की रामायण हुई | नाटेकर भी वहां आये और उन्होंने भी एक अध्याय पढ़ा|

जय साईं राम!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy BABA'S Day~~~

Om Sai Ram!!!

Happy BABA'S Day~~~

How to meditate on Baba? No one has been able to fathom the nature or the form of the Almighty. Even the Vedas and the thousand-tongued Shesha are not able to describe it fully; but the devotees cannot but know and look at the form of the Lord, for they know that His Feet are the only means of their happiness. They know no other method of attaining the supreme goal of life, except meditating on the Holy Feet. Hemadpant suggests an easy way of devotion and meditation as follows:-
As the dark fortnight of every month wears out gradually, the moonlight also wanes in the same degree and on the newmoon day, we do not see the moon at all, nor do we get her light. Therefore, when the bright fortnight begins, people are very anxious to see the moon. On the first day, the moon is not seen and on the second day also she is not clearly visible. Then the people are asked to see the moon through an opening between the two branches of a tree, and when they begin to see through this aperture eagerly and after concentratedly, the distant small crescent of the moon comes, to their great delight, within their ken. Following this clue, let us try to see Baba's Light. Look at Baba's posture, how fine it is! He is sitting with His legs folded,the right leg held across the left knee. The fingers of His left hand are spread on the right-foot. On the right toe are spread His two fingers-the index and middle ones. By this posture Baba means to say, as it were-if you want to see My Light, be egoless and most humble and meditate on My toe through the opening between the two branches-index and middle fingers-and then you will be able to see My Light. This is the easiest means of attaining devotion. 

Now let us turn for a moment to Baba's life. Shirdi had become a place of pilgrimage on account of Baba's stay. People from all quarters began to flock there, and both the rich and the poor began to be benefited in more ways than one and in some form or other. Who can describe Baba's boundless love and His wonderful natural knowledge and His all-pervasiveness? Blessed is he, who could experience one or all of these. Sometimes Baba observed long silence which was, in a way, His dissertation on Brahman; at other times He was Consciousness-Bliss Incarnate, surrounded by His devotees. Sometimes He spoke in parables, and at other times indulged in wit and humour. At times, He was quite unambiguous (clear) and at times He seemed enraged. Sometimes He gave His teachings in a nut-shell, at other times He argued at length. Many a time He was very plain. In this way, He gave varied instructions to many, according to their requirements. His life was, therefore, inscrutable, beyond the ken of our mind, beyond our intellect and speech. Our longing to see His face, to talk with Him and hear His Leelas was never satisfied; still we were overflowing with joy. We can count the showers of rain, encircle (tie) the wind in a leather bag, but who can gauge or measure His Leelas?

श्री साईबाबा का ध्यान कैसे किया जाय । उस सर्वशक्तिमान् की प्रकृति अगाध है, जिसका वर्णन करने में वेद और सहस्त्रमुखी शेषनाग भी अपने को असमर्थ पाते है । भक्तों की स्वरुप वर्णन से रुचि नहीं । उनकी तो दृढ़ धारणा है कि आनन्द की प्राप्ति केवल उनके श्रीचरणों से ही संभव है । उनके चरणकमलों के ध्यान के अतिरिक्त उन्हें अपने जीवन के सर्वोच्च लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति का अन्य मार्ग विदित ही नहीं । हेमाडपंत भक्ति और ध्यान का जो एक अति सरल मार्ग सुझाते है, वह यह है –
कृष्ण पक्ष के आरम्भ होने पर चन्द्र-कलाएँ दिन प्रतिदिन घटती चलती है तथा उनका प्रकाण भी क्रमशः क्षीण होता जाता है और अन्त में अमावस्या के दिन चन्द्रमा के पूर्ण विलीन रहने पर चारों ओर निशा का भयंकर अँधेरा छा जाता है, परन्तु जब शुक्ल पक्ष का प्रारंभ होता है तो लोग चन्द्र-दर्शन के लिए अति उत्सुक हो जाते है । इसके बाद द्घितीया को जब चन्द्र अधिक स्पष्ट गोचर नहीं होता, तब लोगों को वृक्ष की दो शाखाओं के बीच से चन्द्रदर्शन के लिये कहा जाता है और जब इन शाखाओं के बीच उत्सुकता और ध्यानपूर्वक देखने का प्रयत्न किया जाता है तो दूर क्षितिज पर छोटी-सी चन्द्र रेखा के दृष्टिगोचर होते ही मन अति प्रफुल्लि हो जाता है । इसी सिद्घांत का अनुमोदन करते हुए हमें बाबा के श्री दर्शन का भी प्रयत्न करना चाहिये । बाबा के चित्र की ओर देखो । अहा, कितना सुन्दर है । वे पैर मोड़ कर बैठे है और दाहिना पैर बायें घुटने पर रखा गया है । बांये हाथ की अँगुलियाँ दाहिने चरण पर फैली हुई है । दाहिने पैर के अँगूठे पर तर्जनी और मध्यमा अँगुलियाँ फैली हुई है । इस आकृति से बाबा समझा रहे है कि यदि तुम्हें मेरे आध्यात्मिक दर्शन करने की इच्छा हो तो अभिमानशून्य और विनम्र होकर उक्त दो अँगुलियों के बीच से मेरे चरण के अँगूठे का ध्यान करो । तब कहीं तुम उस सत्य स्वरुप का दर्शन करने में सफल हो सकोगे । भक्ति प्राप्त करने का यह सब से सुगम पंथ है ।
अब एक क्षण श्री साईबाबा की जीवनी का भी अवलोकन करें । साईबाबा के निवास से ही शिरडी तीर्थस्थल बन गया है । चारों ओर के लोगोंकी वहाँ भीड़ प्रतिदिन बढ़ने लगी है तथा धनी और निर्धन सभी को किसी न किसी रुप में लाभ पहुँच रहा है । बाबा के असीम प्रेम, उनके अदभुत ज्ञानभंडार और सर्वव्यापकता का वर्णन करने की सामर्थ्य किसे है । धन्य तो वही है, जिसे कुछ अनुभव हो चुका है । कभी-कभी वे ब्रहा में निमग्नरहने के कारण दीर्घ मौन धारण कर लिया करते थे । कभी-कभी वे चैतन्यघन और आनन्द मूर्ति बन भक्तों से घरे हुए रहते थे । कभी दृष्टान्त देते तो कभी हास्य-विनोद किया करते थे । कभी सरल चित्त रहते तो कभी कुदृ भी हो जाया करते थे । कभी संझिप्त और कभी घंटो प्रवचन किया करते थे । लोगों की आवश्यकतानुसार ही भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकारा के उपदेश देते थे । उनका जीवनी और अगाध ज्ञान वाचा से परे थे । उनके मुखमंडल के अवलोकन, वार्तालाप करने और लीलाएँ सुनने की इच्छाएँ सदा अतृप्त ही बनी रही । फिर भी हम फूले न समाते थे । जलवृष्टि के कणों की गणना की जा सकती है, वायु को भी चर्मकी थैल में संचित किया जा सकता है, परन्तु बाबा की लीलाओं का कोई भी अंत न पा सका ।

Jai Sai Ram!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BABA'S Worship and devotees~~

Om Sai Ram!!!

BABA'S Worship and devotees~~

The Shirdi Sai Baba movement began in the 19th century, during his life, while he was staying in Shirdi. A local Khandoba priest - Mhalsapathy - is believed to have been his first devotee. However, in the 19th century Sai Baba's followers were only a small group of Shirdi inhabitants and a few people from other parts of India. It started developing in the 20th century and even faster in 1910 with the Sankirtans of Das Ganu (one of Sai's devotees) who spread Sai Baba's fame to the whole of India. Since 1910 numerous Hindus and Muslims from all parts of India started coming to Shirdi. During his life Hindus worshipped him with Hindu rituals and Muslims revered him greatly, considering him to be a saint. Later (in the last years of Sai Baba's life) Christians and Zoroastrians started joining the Shirdi Sai movement.[2]

The Sai Baba mandir in Shirdi is active and every day worship of Sai is conducted in it. Pilgrims visit Shirdi every day. Shirdi Baba is especially revered and worshipped in the state of Maharashtra and in Gujarat. A religious organisation of Sai Baba's devotees called the Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust is based there. The first ever Sai Baba temple is situated at Bhivpuri,Karjat.

The devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba have spread all over India.[2] According to the Gale Encyclopedia of Religion there is at least one Sai Baba mandir in nearly every Indian city.[2] His image is quite popular in India.[2] Some ordinary non-religious publishing houses (such as Sterling Publishers) publish books about Shirdi Sai written by his devotees.[29] Shirdi is among the major Hindu places of pilgrimage.[30] The Shirdi Sai Baba movement is partially organised. Only a part of his followers and devotees belong to the Shri Saibaba Sansthan or to other religious organisations that worship him.

Beyond India the Shirdi Sai movement has spread to other countries such as the U.S. or the Caribbean. Sai Baba mandirs and organisations of his devotees have been built in countries including Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and the USA. The Shirdi Sai Baba movement is one of the main Hindu religious movements in English-speaking countries.[31]

According to estimates the Sai mandir in Shirdi is visited by around twenty thousand pilgrims a day and during religious festivals this number amounts to a hundred thousand.[32]

Sai Baba had many notable disciples:

1.Nana Chandorkar: Deputy Collector – legend has it that Baba saved his daughter from labor complications).
2.Mhasalapathi: Priest of Khandoba Temple in Shirdi. He is the first one to have addressed Baba as Sai Baba.
3.Ganapathi Rao: Popularly known as Das Ganu, police Constable, later resigned to become an ascetic.
4.Tatya Patil: Ganapathi Rao's son had immense faith in Sai Baba and served him until Sai Baba died.
5.Madhava Rao Deshpande later known as Shama, one of the staunch devotees of Sai Baba
6.Hemadpant: Baba allowed him to keep memos and write Sai Sat Charitra
Biographers of Sai Baba of Shirdi (e.g. Govindrao Raghunath Dabholkar, Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja, Smriti Srinivas, Antonio Rigopolous) when writing about him base it on what people who knew Sai Baba said and wrote. Another source they use is the Shirdi Diary written by Ganesh Shrikrishna Khaparde, which describes every day of the author's stay at Shirdi. When speculating about the unknown episodes of Sai Baba's life, they mainly base their conclusions on his own words. The most important source about Sai's life is the Shri Sai Satcharita written in Marathi, in 1916 by Govindrao Raghunath Dabholkar (translated into English by Nagesh Vasudevanand Gunaji with English title: Shri Sai Satcharitra) whom Sai Baba nicknamed Hemadpant, which is an account of his life, teachings and miracles. Other important sources about Sai Baba are books by B. V. Narasimhaswamiji such as Sri Sai Baba's Charters and Sayings or Devotee's Experiences of Sai Baba. Sri Sai Baba and His Teachings by Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja is an indepth study of Sai's life's routine and activities.
Sai Baba's millions of disciples, followers and devotees believe that he had performed many miracles. Some of them were: bilocation, exorcisms, curing the incurably sick, helping his devotees in need in a miraculous way, reading the minds of others. Numerous inhabitants of Shirdi talked about these miracles. Some of them even wrote about them in books. They talked and wrote about how they (and others) were the witnesses of his unusual Yogic powers: levitation, entering a state of Samādhi at wish, even removing his limbs and sticking them back to his body (Khanda Yoga) or doing the same with his intestines. According to his followers he appeared to them after his death, in dreams, visions and even in bodily form, whence he often gave them advice. His devotees have many stories and experiences to tell.[33] Many books have been written on these events. 

Jai Sai Ram!!!
Om Sai Ram!!!!

Sai Baba encouraged his devotees to pray, chant God's name and read holy scriptures - he told Muslims to study the Qur'an, and Hindus, texts like the Ramayana, Vishnu Sahasranam, Bhagavad Gita (and commentaries to it), Yoga Vasistha. He advised his devotees and followers to lead a moral life, help others, treat them with love and develop two important features of character: faith (Shraddha) and patience (Saburi). He also criticized atheism.In his teachings Sai Baba emphasised the importance of performing one's duties without attachment to earthly matters and being ever content regardless of the situation. 

Jai sai Ram!!!

Om Sai Ram!!!

If anyone begs anything of you, if you can grant the request or get it granted, do so, Don’t say ‘No’. If you have nothing to give, give a suave ‘no’; do not get angry with him. If you do not like to part with what you have, do not say falsely that you have nothing to give. Decline to give it in polite terms and say that circumstances or desires stand in the way.

Jai Sai Ram!!!

Om Sai Ram!!!

If anybody comes and abuses you or punishes you, do not quarrel with him. If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or two, or else leave the place. But do not battle with him and give tit for a tat. I feel sick and disgusted when you quarrel with others … Do not fight with any; nor scandalise any. When one talks ill of you, pass on unperturbed. His words cannot pierce your body. Others acts will affect them only and not you. It is only your acts that will affect them only and not you. It is only your acts that will affect you. If others hate us, let us take to nama japa and avoid them … Do not bark at people; do not be pugnacious. Bear with other’s reproach … This is the way to happiness. Let others and the world turn topsy-turvy, but do not mind that; keep on to your own straight course. The world maintains a wall … between oneself and others. Destroy this wall. God is the supreme Lord.

Jai Sai Ram!!!
Om Sai Ram!!!

If you make Me the sole object of your thoughts and aims, you will attain paramartha, the supreme goal. Look at me with undivided attention; so will I look at you. This is the only truth that my guru had taught me. The four sadhanas and the six sastras are not necessary. With entire confidence, trust your guru. That is enough.

Jai Sai Ram!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

from your SAI BABA...

साईं बाबा अच्छे
कहते है सारे बच्चे

बच्चो की किलकारी मुजको लगती प्यारी...



Happy children day to all children!!