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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rare Messages from Sai BABA


Rare Messages from Sai BABA

Who Is A Superman? -BABA'S Eighth Message To Mr. Spencer.

Who is a Superman? He who, like a warrior in the battle of life, puts on the armour of righteousness and raises an eternal fight against all the demons of vices and comes out victorious. It is he who, disregarding his own personal interests, dedicates his life to God and all mankind, whom he serves with a singular aim and in the spirit of complete self-abnegation. It is he who enshrines in his heart love for God and all persons, without any distinction. It is he whose mission is to spread God's Gospel of love and harmony, peace and beautitude. It is he who, fearless of all consequences, waits on no man, but seeks his own way and is never daunted by the arrows of calumny and insipid lies. His banner is Truth;his gospel is love, the light of wisdom shines from his eyes. His mind is ever alert to help every cause for the good of all mankind. He seeks no patronage. The poor are his friends. He is God's own chosen son to spread His message of love and to show the goal of life to every human soul.

Such a man with super abundant powers and gifts to bring about a spiritual revolution and reformation of unique type- such as he is a Superman.