Om Sai Ram!!!
BABA is reaching to You through " SAI BABA'S Words Of Wisdom ". BABA's divine Grace and Help have been coming to those who remember His Divine Name.Through " SAI BABA'S Words Of Wisdom", we Remember Him & Salute Him.
BABA is a Great DHUNI. He burns & burns with love all our complex emotions patterns & sufferings~~~
Let's live with BABA , Let's live of BABA , let's live for BABA & Let's LOVE BABA --- It's SADHANA~~~
Enjoy , like a child , the loving protection of SADGURU SAI BABA . Be carefree - but not careless !!!
Those whom BABA favours get enormous Strength , Discrimination between the Unreal & Real & Knowledge.
Prayers at best generate Love & if Love is there , formal Prayer are not necessary. LOVE BABA.
Jai Sai Ram!!!